About Us
About siimee

For those who want to cherish the excitement of the unknown.
From the handicrafts and nature of Laos, a country in Southeast Asia,
We deliver clothes that make up your everyday life.

Clothes that let you live like you're traveling.
A strange feeling of liberation.
By incorporating handicrafts into our lives,
The desire to live a careful life.
And I think of the different cultural spaces and people from which they were born.
Curiosity about the unknown.
It's time to feel that way.
Laos, located along the Mekong River in Southeast Asia, is a country where hand-spinning, natural dyeing, and hand-weaving are deeply rooted in daily life, resulting in beautiful fabrics.
Handmade fabric feels good to the touch,
The color is also gentle and blends well with the skin.
When you wear fabric spun from natural materials,
The tension in my shoulders is released.
It makes me feel like I can be my true self.
The charm of the wearer or user, the dignified strength of character,
It brings out a person's individuality.
The brand name, siimee,
In Lao, sii (color) + mee (mother) = mother's color, the color of Mother Nature. In English, see + me = reflecting on oneself.
The traditions of Laos, the materials passed down from mothers, and the colors of the makers.
Through stories born from inspiration that the designers get from travel scenes,
In the journey of life,
Looking back at the changes in myself,
A moment where you can find your true self,
We will deliver it.

Our Philosophy
Create fair relationships between countries and people,
Respect each other's cultures,
Create a society where we can deliver the highest value to each other.
The Laos we are involved in is
They are often referred to as developing countries.
However, the difference between Japan and so-called "developed countries" is
It is not about the superiority or inferiority of people or countries,
We know that it's only a matter of what resources each country has.
In fact, there are people in Laos who work hard every day with dreams and goals.
Seeing the magnitude of their vision, the depth of their feelings, and their drive,
A deep respect was born.
And it lives in the lives of Laos.
The attitude of being grateful for what is in front of you and living carefully is
It is a wonderful culture,
Handicrafts are one of them.
We respect the cultures of both Laos and Japan,
Sometimes they are combined,
Working together we can derive maximum value.
Our goal is to create such a world.
Our vision
1. Create a place where people can take on challenges and realize their potential.
Our goal is to maximize the potential of the ideas, techniques, and materials that the people of Laos possess.
To create products with uncompromising quality and designs that you will want to wear for a long time.
We create a place where our colleagues who create things together can shine with vitality.
2. Continue to create exciting "things" that go beyond imagination.
Clothing has many different elements: comfort, design, storytelling.
Not only do we continue to pursue comfort and functionality,
Timeless design,
And as "clothes for living like traveling",
To create clothes that, when worn, evoke scenes and stories beyond imagination.
Through these efforts, we aim to create exciting daily lives.
3. We will be serious about what is best for all those involved and for the Earth.
Just looking at the clothing industry, there are human rights issues, low-wage labor, and environmental issues caused by clothing waste.
Various problems are arising.
However, something that someone has created through hardship cannot bring true joy.
Making clothes from natural materials,
We aim to create a safe and secure world through a production system that allows creators to experience the joy of making things.
Designer profile
Designer profile
Born in Tokyo.
After graduating from Rikkyo University's Faculty of Intercultural Communication,
He worked in trade-related jobs in Southeast Asia at a trading company.
After that, he was assigned to Laos as a member of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.
We have carried out product development using traditional Laotian textiles.
During this experience, she became fascinated with the charm of handmade fabrics and the people and culture of Laos, and developed an interest in turning them into clothing. After returning to Japan, she wanted to manufacture apparel in Laos, so she studied fashion and design at Bunka Fashion College.
Production will begin in March 2023 with a local sewing team at an atelier in Laos.
During his university days, he traveled alone to Thailand as a backpacker, which led him to become fascinated with Southeast Asia, and he has continued to travel mainly there ever since. His designs reflect the feelings and scenes he experiences during his travels.
Past interviews and articles
- In May 2024, he was interviewed about his activities as part of the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers' entrepreneurial support project "BLUE - My first step to change the world."
▶Video: Building a bridge between Laos and Japan through hand-woven fabric: Naho Umedani, CEO of siimee Co., Ltd.
▶Article: Building a bridge between Laos and Japan through hand-woven fabric
- In April 2023, he received the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Social Contribution Award and Entrepreneurship Award.
▶ The 1st JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Returning to Society Award Ceremony was held
▶1st JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Returning to Society Awards Award Report (Video)
・Interview video by JICA Tokyo, released in February 2022▶ [I'll tell you the reality of Laos] I gave up my stable job at a trading company to go abroad and launch an apparel brand